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Texas Servers to Get Own Legal Code of Conduct

The Judicial Branch Certification Commission (or JBCC) in Texas has recently been instructed to create and recommend a new code of ethics that will apply to every profession that the organization regulates. This recommendation will then go to the Supreme Court and will of course cover process servers.

The Texas Process Servers Association responded to this by alerting its members by e-mail to the 30 day comment period that ended on March 13th. Continue reading

Texas Servers to Get Own Legal Code of Conduct

law officeThe Judicial Branch Certification Commission (or JBCC) in Texas has recently been instructed to create and recommend a new code of ethics that will apply to every profession that the organization regulates. This recommendation will then go to the Supreme Court and will of course cover process servers.

The Texas Process Servers Association responded to this by alerting its members by e-mail to the 30 day comment period that ended on March 13th. Continue reading

How Should Process Servers Represent Themselves?

The job of process servers is to serve papers. This means that they have to take summons and other legal documents to the defendants, often before they know they are defendants. Process servers are of course objective and are in fact doing the defendants a favor by ensuring they are aware that they are being taken to court and by giving them time to prepare. Continue reading

Improving Your Legal Writing Skills

In any branch of the legal profession, your written words are always of great importance. This is because these are used in the duties to inform, instruct, advocate and persuade. If you are a newbie to this profession then the foremost advice your seniors will give you will be related to your handling of legal documents. This is because it will allow you to better learn from your experience, thereby becoming a more productive professional. Here are all the more reasons why improving your legal writing skills is tied to effectively handling your legal documents: Continue reading

Using Document Automation to Improve Legal Document Handling

The process of document automation allows you to create electronic documents. This includes the creation of logic-based systems that utilize the portions of pre-existing data and/or text to bring form a new document. This procedure is being adopted by legal firms since it considerably helps managing legal letters, contracts and a plethora of different legal documents. The automation process can also be utilized to automate all variable text, conditional text and data that is present in a set of documents. Continue reading

How Diligent Search Applies to Child Care Cases in Florida

legal documentsOne of the most important things in the state of Florida is making sure that the children are well taken care of. In some situations, children will become wards of the state and it is then the job of the state to find a home for them. In some cases, a diligent search will have to be done in order to find relatives of the child that might be willing to take them. Here are a few of the benefits that come along with this process. Continue reading

What’s the Difference between a 3-day and 7-day Eviction?

evictionBeing a landlord comes with a lot of different challenges, but it is worth it to be able to take advantage of this investment opportunity. One of the hardest things that a landlord will have to do is to deal with unruly or non-compliant tenants. Regardless of how in depth your vetting process is for tenants, in some cases you will have one that is less than stellar. When the time comes to evict, you need to be aware of the different types of eviction notices that are out there. Here are a few of the differences between a 3 day and a 7 day eviction notice. Continue reading

Should You Hire a Sheriff or a Process Server?

sheriffIf you need any type of legal papers served, then you have the option to hire a process server, or a sheriff, to get the job done. However, how do you know which one to use? The information here will help you decide which one is best for your needs and is based on the average cost, success rate, knowledge of the laws, customer service and speed of the service that is provided.

The first thing to consider is the fact that when you hire a process server, this is the only service that they provide. This means it will be the focus of what they are doing and they will work diligently to ensure that the job is done properly. Sheriffs have a number of jobs to take care of. This means they may not have time or the ability to search for individuals who need to be served papers. This means that if you need a job done quickly and professionally, your best option is going to be to choose a process server. Continue reading

Helpful Hints for Hiring a Process Server

legal documentsWhen you need the services of a process server, it will be to have legal documents delivered to someone or some business. However, not all process servers are the same, which means you need to take the time to find a high quality provider who will handle the job you need completed with a high level of professionalism. Some helpful hints that will provide you with assistance when hiring this professional are highlighted here.

Provide Detailed Instructions

You need to be certain that you are extremely detailed when telling the where, what and who of the serve and the preferred method of getting updates. This will help the process to go much more smoothly. Continue reading

All Process Servers are Not Created Equal

process server2It’s easy to think that if you have a need for a particular service that you only need to open the yellow pages and find a company that specializes in that service. Well, this is not actually a good idea because unlike going to a store and picking off a product from a shelf, there’s really no standardization when it comes to services. This especially true when it comes to very sensitive services like serving legal docs like complaints or summons. If you are suing somebody, you need to go with the right process servers. Unfortunately, all process servers are not created equal. Just because somebody is in the business of serving legal paperwork doesn’t necessarily mean that their company is the company for you. These companies differ quite widely based on the following four criteria: Continue reading